Ok, I just did something amazingly brave this past week. Wait for it because this is big..I deleted facebook from my phone. I know! Impressive, eh?!
Here’s what happened. I watched this.
And after already having so many thoughts and feelings on this, I settled on these three thoughts:
- facebook is a way I fritter away valuable time
- facebook often leaves me with bad feelings: about myself, the world, or other people
- facebook and my phone/devices in general are addictive, and they mute me from tangibly experiencing the world as it is
Although it may sound like I’m going to an extreme, I am not. I still have to rely on these tools to stay in touch with many people I love around the world, and I use them to help run my business. But taking this small step, symbolizes a recommitment to my priorities: real interactions and genuine connection, presence with those I am with in the place that I am, and a refocussing of energy on my own path and my work, not on what others are doing.
So, no more quick scrolling during someone’s bathroom break at dinner. No more standing, head hunched over staring at my screen, because I have 5 mins before my daughter comes out of her classroom. No more pulling out my phone for a quick check because there’s a line up at the grocery store check out. That is addictive behavior. I’d like to stop. If you are ever with me in person, and you see me scrolling, feel free to remind me of my intention!
Yay! I did this back in June after I lost my phone – when I got a new one I purposely left facebook off of it, and it was the greatest decision ever!!
Love it Meg! Now I just need to keep it this way! Also working on closing the window for it on my computer so I don’t keep checking back in!