There is an old Buddhist saying:

You should sit in meditation for 20 minutes a day. Unless you’re too busy, then you should sit for an hour.

I am just returning to work after taking 3 weeks off, and my break reminded me of this saying. The notion that I had so much to do, stopped me from taking a break for a while. But then came the realization that I am no good in a burnt out state either. How am I getting things done when the creative juices are almost dried up? So while it can seem counter-intuitive to find rest, or a break in the midst of the all the stuff you are trying to get done, the reality is, that it is, sometimes, the exact gift we need, to be more effective and efficient.

Sometimes what we need to do is give ourselves the pauses and breaks so that we can see the big picture again and then get stuck back in. It’s like taking a deep breath, pulling back and looking at a painting when you’ve been stuck in on the finest of details. It gives us perspective. It also helps us learn what we need to do to be our most effective selves. And finally, it helps us remember what it is that we most need to be doing out in the world.

If you think you’re too busy to rest, or too busy to enjoy your family/friends/the summer/the place you live, then it’s possible you’re in need of one of these breaks.  So friends, shall we try this out? How about we work smart, not hard.